Thursday, 31 October 2013

Making place

How do you "make a place"?
There are four elements that makes up the world we live in called the Four Folds, consistig of the earth, the sky, people and the divine (or the transcendent). To make a place or dwelling is a process of taming the elements of the fold and shaping them into forms of domesticity. One example os the mud house in USA which is made from mudbrick, the earth element, processed by the sun, baked with natural heat only and no external heating device. Not only that, but once the dwelling disinegrates it becomes dirt, turn to dust meaning a return to its progonal earth form. The architecture is if not itself part of constructed or deformed version of the four folds it is a reflection of the surrounding asset.
The film Pawaqqatsi to me is an exploration of the four folds. It really shows the coexistence of the different elements, working together in a particular context. The ethnic group of men carrying sack of dirt, which is earth extracted from a bigger portion of earth, over a landscape of the earth, its horizon defining the edges of the sky. The ethnic is, I assume, transporting these small portions of earth for purposes of domesticity, supporting theirway of life. So it's a clear and swift integration of the four folds, people, sky, earth and the divine.

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